method in the TQuickRep
class to clone the TeeChart graphs...procedure TQReport.QReportBeforePrint(Sender: TCustomQuickRep; var PrintReport: Boolean); var i: Integer; LV_Height: Integer; LV_Top: Integer; LV_Chart : TChart; tmp: TQRChart; begin // Divide height between the N charts LV_Height := Round(DetailBand1.Height / ChartList.Count); LV_Top := 0; // Starting point for LV_Chart in ChartList do begin { Create the QRChart } tmp:=TQRChart.Create(Self); { Create the QRDBChart } With TQRDBChart.Create(tmp) do begin Parent:=TWinControl(tmp); Name:=TeeGetUniqueName(Owner,'QRChart'); Title.Text.Clear; Title.Text.Add(tmp.ClassName); end; { add the QRChart to the QuickReport... } With tmp do begin ParentReport := Self; Parent := DetailBand1; Width := DetailBand1.Width; Height := LV_Height; Left := 0; Top := LV_Top; // Move next chart down LV_Top := LV_Top + LV_Height; { Copy Series and do special formatting} Chart.FreeAllSeries; Chart.Assign(LV_Chart); for i:=0 to LV_Chart.SeriesCount-1 do CloneChartSeries(LV_Chart[i]).ParentChart := Chart; Chart.Color := clWhite; // To include all data - and not only the last 10 years Chart.BottomAxis.Automatic := True; // Remove gradient background for printing Chart.BackWall.Gradient.Visible := False; end; end; end;The QReport tips are taken from here:
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